I think I woke up between 7 and 8, but clearly Owl and Phoenix clearly got up well before me because by the time I was only half packed up and collecting more water from that barely trickling spring, Phoenix appeared sitting there doing the same.

I think I woke up between 7 and 8, but clearly Owl and Phoenix clearly got up well before me because by the time I was only half packed up and collecting more water from that barely trickling spring, Phoenix appeared sitting there doing the same.
I was so impressed by Ranger Springs that I returned in the morning just to get them on video. And I still managed to get packed up and hike back to the PCT before Owl and Phoenix had caught up.
I got a decently early start, making it back to the rim trail and into Rim Village a little after 9am. Despite the early hour, there were several other people on the trail, especially after I passed Discovery Point, the last mile to the village. Presumably, they all wanted to see the lake and take pictures by morning light, same as me. It definitely looked very different than it had the previous afternoon. Also, everyone was probably up earlier across the board thanks to the extra hour of sleep the time change afforded.
It was a very cold night and morning, so I slept in a bit. By the time I had packed up and hiked down to the highway, it was already practically 10am.
But that turned out to be very good timing. Owl and Phoenix were there at the trailhead just getting started. They had gotten a ride in from Diamond Lake Resort, where they had spent the previous night in an outdated cabin. They also picked up their resupply there. Grommet and Firefly had been there too, but had left the trail, having finished their hike.