I got up at 4 and on the trail a bit after 5:20. I had no breakfast mix, so I just ate a ton of chewy bars and Airheads all morning, multiple stops to do so.
At one of those stops, a bunch of cattle moved up to a spot across from me and a young heifer stared at me the entire time, unmoving, unchanging.
I passed one tent on the way, no sign of activity, but I guess there are some people around.
A little before 11 I came under the freeway and took a break in the shade for nearly an hour, then did the last mile to the interstate exit.
I waited an hour there and only three vehicles passed going southbound. None wanted to take me. So I texted Weatherman, a trail angel in Butte, and he carried me back to the KOA in Butte.
I checked in, pitched my tent, then a while later, I walked to a restaurant for a huge lunch including a huge chicken salad. I was there for a couple hours and got caught up on my blog. I also bought a bus ticket to Lima for the following morning.
Back at the campground, I got a light shower and some clothes in the wash. I sat outside charging my devices and making some plans for the next month. Yes, unless the whole state catches on fire, it’s going to take me an entire month to get through Wyoming.
But there kept being light showers chasing me away from the charging station (which was out in the open for some reason), so eventually I moved the charger into the laundromat.
With my clothes clean and back on me, I headed back to my tent to get to sleep for an extremely early start.
Trail miles: 11.4